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Grant County Oregon Inmate Records

Oregon Public Records /Oregon Inmate Records /Grant County OR Inmate Records

Are Inmate Records Public in Grant County, Oregon?

Yes, inmate records are public in Grant County, Oregon. According to the Public Record Act, these records are available for public access and inspection. The Public Record Act ensures transparency and accountability by granting individuals the right to access and obtain information about inmates held within the county's correctional facilities.

Grant County, Oregon recognizes the importance of public access to inmate records as a means to promote public safety, support law enforcement efforts, and provide information to the community. By allowing public access to inmate records, Grant County aims to foster a sense of trust and openness between the criminal justice system and the public it serves.

How to Find Inmate Records in Grant County, Oregon in 2024

To obtain inmate records in Grant County, Oregon in 2024, individuals can utilize various methods. One option is to visit the official website of the Oregon Department of Corrections. The department's website provides an online search tool that allows users to search for inmate records based on specific criteria such as name, identification number, or facility location.

Additionally, individuals can also contact the Grant County Sheriff's Office or the correctional facilities directly to inquire about inmate records. The Sheriff's Office can provide information regarding the process of obtaining inmate records, including any necessary forms or fees that may be required.

It is important to note that while some inmate records may be available online, certain sensitive information may be restricted or redacted to protect the privacy and safety of individuals involved. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the guidelines and procedures outlined by the relevant authorities when seeking to obtain inmate records.

Correctional Facilities in Grant County, Oregon

Grant County, Oregon is home to several correctional facilities that play a crucial role in maintaining public safety and facilitating the rehabilitation of inmates. The following are the correctional facilities located in Grant County, along with their respective phone numbers and addresses:

  • Grant County Jail: 205 South Humbolt Street, Canyon City, OR 97820, Phone: (541) 575-1134
  • Grant County Juvenile Department: 201 South Humbolt Street, Canyon City, OR 97820, Phone: (541) 575-1676

These correctional facilities work in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and the judicial system to ensure the secure and humane confinement of inmates. They also provide various programs and services aimed at promoting inmate rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.

It is important to note that the contact information provided is subject to change. Therefore, individuals seeking to contact these correctional facilities should verify the current phone numbers and addresses through official sources or by contacting the respective facilities directly.

Lookup Inmate Records in Grant County, Oregon

To lookup inmate records in Grant County, Oregon, you can visit the following websites:

These websites provide valuable resources and tools for individuals seeking to access inmate records in Grant County, Oregon. By utilizing these online platforms, individuals can search for specific inmates, obtain information on their current status, and access relevant documents and forms.

It is important to note that the availability and extent of information may vary depending on the specific inmate and the nature of the case. Additionally, certain restrictions and guidelines may apply when accessing inmate records to ensure the protection of privacy and security. Therefore, individuals should familiarize themselves with the terms of use and follow the procedures outlined by the respective websites when using these online resources.